a comic with thoughts on dealing with mortality, order a limited-run print copy or view it online.
Joking at a Distance (18+) is a quarantine-friendly, family-UNfriendly browser-based multiplayer version of the card game Joking Hazard
is a minimalist free shared online virtual whiteboard
two decades of of blogged quotes and links and cool things to look at and play with.
A deep graphic design exercise in getting decades of life on a page.
a developer's blog, notes to my future self, and for anyone interested in what i'm doing in ui and ux.
Tutorials, tools, and toys for programming the Atari 2600. And three original games:
I run websites for several Boston-vicinity porchfests and keep a list of ones in the area.
the web's oldest online romance poetry forum.
TIMETOY.net a date calculator for figuring out when your 10K day is, how many hours old you are, etc...
gazette galore! was a deep dive into the type-in games for the Commodore 8-bit magazine Compute's Gazette.
mortals.be had my original essays and collected quotes on coping with death.
jp porchfest is an interactive map and band list for a community event.
whitewave csr report is a skeuomorphic publication translation.
The aforementioned joking-at-a-distance atari-riff-machine and atari-sound-forger are all on github.
lowLag.js is a simple wrapper for low-latency, high-compatibility, html5-friendly audio.
ezSlots is an easy to understand but fun library for making a slot-machine effect.
getput.js is trivial persistent key/value REST in node.js via a tiny client library.
no-look 7 minute workout page is an open source html5 workout guide with detailed audio prompts. Also see this customizable pt reps vocalizer that uses your browsers voice synthesis to let you make and save your own set of PT exercise prompts.
trunKit.js is a jQuery plugin to truncate text and get it back on hover().