<< Thursday >>

Take the "Big Bus" tour (open roofed double decker) around London. Go to the Tower of London, take the tour by a "beefeater" yeoman guard, see the crown jewels. Then we take a ferry ride down the Thames.

View from a bus.

Big Ben's tower.

London Eye...we'll see a lot more of this later.

London Eye close up...we didn't go that day, too crowded.

Big Ben through the Lodon Eye.

St Pauls

Pedestrian underpasses are called "Subway",
but I'm not sure what a weak one is.

V2 rocket on a WW2 museum.

The new city hall. Supposedly meant to look like a car headlamp.

Guard at London Tower.

Our Beefeater Yeoman tourguide, who was also the raven master.

There's a raven now!

Old guns!

More old guns.

London tower from the Thames.

They took out the old bridge, but for structural reasons the columns had to stay behind...

Mo on the ferry.

Westminster Abbey (or is Parliament?) has some amazing detail...

Singing for the Queen's 50th Jubilee.

<< Thursday >>