#!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(header param); print header(); #features skipped: types num/sum/textarea/radio #also, needs report generation #and multiple field sorting #define some commonly used CGI key names, #preprend with | so they aren't in the column name namespace $keykey = "|key"; $keysort = "|sort"; $keydb = "|db"; $keytask = "|task"; $dbname = param($keydb); if ((length $dbname > 50) || ($dbname !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/)) { print "Illegal database name
"; exit; } $task = param($keytask); #if user hasn't specified a db name, #print list of links to all db's if(!(defined($dbname))){ printheader(); opendir(DIR,".") || print "can't open ."; #list all files in this dir while(defined(my $file= readdir(DIR))) { if($file =~ /^(.*).kdb$/ ){ #db descriptors in form of dbname.kdb $dbname = $1; print qq($dbname
) } } closedir(DIR); exit; } #we have a dbname, try to open it dbmopen(%db,"./$dbname",0644) || print "Can't open $dbname $!
"; #if we have no task than just dump the database to a table if($task eq ""){ printheader(); print qq(add entry); viewdata(); } #add a new entry: if($task eq "new") { printheader(); loadfieldinfo(); #gets dbname from global variables print qq(add entry:); printform(); } #edit an existing entry #same as adding new, but we override the 'default' values if($task eq "edit") { printheader(); loadfieldinfo(); #gets dbname from global variables print qq(edit entry:); #now override fielddefault{} entries with loaded values $key = param("$keykey"); $fielddefault{$keykey} = $key; $data = $db{$key}; $i = 0; foreach $datum (split(/\n/,$data)){ chomp $datum; $fieldname = $fieldnames[$i]; $fielddefault{$fieldname} = $datum; $i++; } printform(); } # updating can be the result of a new or edit if($task eq "update"){ #generate a new key if the key field is blank $thiskey = param("$keykey"); if($thiskey eq ""){ $thiskey = time.".".$$; } loadfieldinfo(); #gets dbname from global variables #buuld the multiple column values as multiple lines in a scalar $data = ""; foreach $fieldname (@fieldnames){ $datum = param($fieldname); $datum =~ s/\n/ /g; if($fieldtype{$fieldname} eq "date"){ #ensure date fields are YYYY.MM.DD $datum = cleandate($datum); } $data .= "$datum\n"; } #put data into database hash $db{$thiskey} = $data; #resfresh page to view of db printrefreshview(); } #deleting is pretty straightforward if($task eq "delete"){ $thiskey = param("$keykey"); delete($db{$thiskey}); printrefreshview(); } dbmclose(%db); # table view of data: sub viewdata { loadfieldinfo(); print qq(); print qq(); $i = 0; #print the field names and an option to sort on this field foreach $fieldname (@fieldnames){ print qq(); $i++; } print qq(); calculateSortOrder(); foreach $key(sort onSortOrder keys %db){ #print link to edit print qq(); $i = 0; #print all colums for this row foreach $datum (split(/\n/,$db{$key})){ #checkboxes are the only fields that needs parsing for the display #changeblank entries to   so the table doesn't fill in if($datum eq "") {$datum = " ";} $datum = valuesafe($datum); if($fieldtype{$fieldnames[$i]} eq "checkbox" && $datum eq "on"){ $datum = "
"; } print qq(); $i++; } # in case the last few fields were blank, we need # to generate filler TD's until we have as many TDs # as fieldnames... while($i <= $#fieldnames){ print qq(); $i++; } #print link to delete with javascript confirmation print qq(); print qq(); } print qq(); print qq(
edit$fieldname vvdelete
>>$datum xxx
); } # print a form to edit/create an entry # basically, go through all the fields(columns) for this database and # print a UI piece of the appropriate type # --the default fields will be the db defaults if this is new, otherwise # --should have been overriden with the values for this entry sub printform { print qq(
\n\n); foreach $fieldname (@fieldnames){ print qq(\n); } print qq(\n); print qq(); print qq(
$fieldname); if($fieldtype{$fieldname} eq "text") { $value = valuesafe($fielddefault{$fieldname}); print qq(); } if($fieldtype{$fieldname} eq "checkbox") { $prechecked = ""; if($fielddefault{$fieldname} eq "on"){ $prechecked = " CHECKED "; } print qq(); } if($fieldtype{$fieldname} eq "select") { print qq(); } if($fieldtype{$fieldname} eq "date") { $defaultdate = $fielddefault{$fieldname}; if($defaultdate eq ""){ #calculate todays date if we have none ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; if(length($mday) == 1) { $mday = "0".$mday;} if(length($mon) == 1) { $mon = "0".$mon;} $defaultdate = "$year.$mon.$mday"; } print qq(); } print qq(
); } # read the db descriptor, load the data for each field, including extra data for the various types sub loadfieldinfo { open(READFIELDS,"< $dbname.kdb") || print "can't open $dbname.kdb $!"; while(defined($nextline=)){ chomp $nextline; ($fieldname,$fieldtype,@rest) = split(/\|/,$nextline); push(@fieldnames,$fieldname); $fieldtype{$fieldname} = $fieldtype; if($fieldtype eq "text"){ $fielddefault{$fieldname} = $rest[0]; #assume a length default of 40 if none exists if($rest[1] eq "") { $rest[1] = 40; } $fieldlength{$fieldname} = $rest[1]; } if($fieldtype eq "select"){ $fieldoptions{$fieldname} = $rest[0]; $fielddefault{$fieldname} = $rest[1]; } if($fieldtype eq "checkbox"){ $fielddefault{$fieldname} = $rest[0]; } } close READFIELDS; } #simple header sub printheader { print qq(k/db
); if(dbname ne ""){ print qq($dbname
); } } #refresh back to plain view of this db sub printrefreshview{ print qq(); } #return YYYY.MM.DD version of this date... somewhat fragile sub cleandate { my($origdate) = @_; if($origdate =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)$/){ return $origyear = makeDigitLength($1,4).".".makeDigitLength($2,2).".".makeDigitLength($3,2); } else { #too screwed up don't try to parse it return $origdate; } } #make strig a certain length by trimming off lefthand digits or prepending 0s sub makeDigitLength { my($string,$length) = @_; #if the string is too long, trim the left most digits if(length($string) > $length){ $string = substr($string,length($string) - $length); } else { # otherwise prepend zeros if/as needed while(length($string) < $length) { $string = "0".$string; } } return $string; } # the default sort order is col 0, col 1, col 2 etc # but it can be overriden, with one particular col being the first thing sorted sub calculateSortOrder { @sortorder = (0...$#fieldnames); $sorton = param($keysort); if($sorton =~ /\d/){ splice(@sortorder,$sorton,1); splice(@sortorder,0,0,($sorton)); } } # sort on that sortorder sub onSortOrder { for($i = 0; $i < $#sortorder; $i++){ $truea = getColByKey($a,$sortorder[$i]); $trueb = getColByKey($b,$sortorder[$i]); if($truea ne $trueb) { return $truea cmp $trueb; } } return $a cmp $b; } #return pos'th line of data for key, which corresponds to pos'th column for this row sub getColByKey { my($key,$pos) = @_; return(split(/\n/,$db{$key}))[$pos]; } sub valuesafe { my($value) = @_; $value =~ s/\"/"/g; $value =~ s/\/>/g; return $value; }