2600 Cookbook: Subpixel Positioning

You'd like to move players or other objects in smaller increments than pixels.

Use "subpixel positioning", using 2 bytes to store the object's position. One byte will represent the fractional position, the other will be the integer positioning, used for the display logic.

It can be hard to get subtle animation when only moving things in pixel increments (in particular, if a object's speed is only N pixels per turn it may be hard to get nice smooth motion.)

By using 2 bytes, you can can keep track of the object's position with both bytes, then just use one for deciding when or where to draw the object.

Traditionally 16-bit values are stored low byte first. This might seem to put the bits "out of order" if you think of it as a single bit string, but it makes sense if you think about how memory addresses are stored. It's a little annoying because whenever you're referring to the integer bit alone, it looks like MemoryLabel+1, but still, it's the Way Things Are Done and you probably shouldn't go against it unless you have a very good reason.

(Obviously, you don't have to use 1 byte for the fraction and 1 byte for the integer, you could put the "binary decimal point" wherever you want, but this method generally works well with Atari coding.)

So, whenever you adjust the object's position, you need to do 16-bit math. If you defined 2 bytes for the object speed and the object position, you might get code like this: (I'm just including this for people unfamiliar with 16-bit math.)
	lda YPosFromBot
	adc YSpeed
	sta YPosFromBot
	lda YPosFromBot+1
	adc YSpeed+1
	sta YPosFromBot+1
(Remember, clear the carry before addition, set it before subtraction, and then the flags will take care of themselves and bob's your uncle.)

(Also, the 2's complement notation can be a little difficult to work with, especially in doing comparisions.)

As a sidenote, you can still define your constants (for example, player speed) as decimals, and then let DASM break 'em up into the two bytes. For instance, in today's example, we defined "C_GHOST_SPEED = 300", then later referred to #<C_GHOST_SPEED as the low byte and adc #>C_GHOST_SPEED as the high byte. This value divided by 256 is the integer value, and the result when mod 256 is the fractional part.

;milquetoast the ghost
;by Kirk Israel
;a cute ghost. press button to say boo!

	processor 6502
	include vcs.h
	include macro.h

;label some variables....
	ORG $80

;the ghosts height will be in 2 bytes;
;low, high (fractional byte, than integer byte)
;drawing onscreen, we only care about the integer byte
;but we will keep track of both
P0_YPosFromBot ds 2
P0_XPos ds 1	;horizontal position
P0_Y ds 1	;needed for skipdraw
P0_Ptr ds 2	;ptr to current graphic

	org $F000

;a few constants...
C_GHOST_SPEED = 300	;subpixel, divide by 256 for pixel speed
C_P0_HEIGHT = 8		;height of ghost sprite
C_KERNAL_HEIGHT = 192	;height of kernal (full screen, single line kernal)


	;black background, white ghost...
	lda #$00
	lda #$0F
	sta COLUP0

	lda #12
	sta P0_YPosFromBot+1	;Initial Y Position in integer part of 2 byte speed

	lda #90
	sta P0_XPos

	lda #>GhostGraphic ;high byte of graphic location
	sta P0_Ptr+1	;store in high byte of graphic pointer

	lda #43
	sta TIM64T

	;joystick pressed left?
	lda #%01000000
	bit SWCHA
	bne DoneMoveLeft

	dec P0_XPos	;move ghost left

	lda #%00001000   ;a 1 in D3 of REFP0 says make it mirror
	sta REFP0
	;joystick pressed right?
	lda #%10000000
	bit SWCHA
	bne DoneMoveRight

	inc P0_XPos	;move ghost right

	lda #%00000000
	sta REFP0    	;unmirrored P0


; for up and down, we INC or DEC
; the Y Position
	;joystick down?
	lda #%00010000
	bit SWCHA
	bne DoneMoveDown

	;16 bit math, add both bytes
	;of the ghost speed constant to
	;the 2 bytes of the position
	lda P0_YPosFromBot
	sta P0_YPosFromBot
	lda P0_YPosFromBot+1
	sta P0_YPosFromBot+1

	lda #%00100000	;Up?
	bit SWCHA
	bne DoneMoveUp

	;16 bit math, subtract both bytes
	;of the ghost speed constant to
	;the 2 bytes of the position
	lda P0_YPosFromBot
	sta P0_YPosFromBot
	lda P0_YPosFromBot+1
	sta P0_YPosFromBot+1

	;check firebutton
	ldx INPT4
	bmi MouthIsClosed ;(button not pressed)
	lda #<GhostBooGraphic 	;low byte of ptr is boo graphic
	sta P0_Ptr		;(high byte already set)
	jmp DoneWithMouth
	lda #<GhostGraphic 	;low byte of ptr is normal graphic
	sta P0_Ptr		;(high byte already set)

	;for Battlezone style exact horizontal repositioning
	;subroutine as rediscovered by R. Mundschau and explained by Andrew Davie,
	;set A = desired horizontal position, then X to object
	;to be positioned (0->4 = P0->BALL)
	lda P0_XPos
	ldx #0
	jsr bzoneRepos

	;for skipDraw, P0_Y needs to be set (usually during VBLANK)
	;to Vertical Position (0 = top) + height of sprite - 1.
	;we're storing distance from bottom, not top, so we have
	;to start with the kernal height and YPosFromBot...
	sbc P0_YPosFromBot+1 ;subtract integery byte of distance from bottom
	sta P0_Y

	;we also need to adjust the graphic pointer for skipDraw
	;it equals what it WOULD be at 'normally' - it's position
	;from bottom plus sprite height - 1.
	;(note this requires that the 'normal' starting point for
	;the graphics be at least align 256 + kernalheight ,
	;or else this subtraction could result in a 'negative'
	; (page boundary crossing) value
	lda P0_Ptr
	sbc P0_YPosFromBot+1	;integer part of distance from bottom
	adc #C_P0_HEIGHT-#1
	sta P0_Ptr	;2 byte

	lda INTIM
	bne WaitForVblankEnd
	ldy #C_KERNAL_HEIGHT - 1; (off by one error)

	sta WSYNC
	sta HMOVE ;move objecs that were finely positioned


;main scanline loop...
; draw player sprite 0:
	lda     #C_P0_HEIGHT-1     ; 2
	dcp     P0_Y            ; 5 (DEC and CMP)
	bcs     .doDraw0        ; 2/3
	lda     #0              ; 2
	.byte   $2c             ;-1 (BIT ABS to skip next 2 bytes)
	lda     (P0_Ptr),y      ; 5
	sta     GRP0            ; 3 = 18 cycles (constant, if drawing or not!)

	sta WSYNC

	bne ScanLoop

	lda #2
	sta WSYNC
	ldx #30
	sta WSYNC
	bne OverScanWait
	jmp  MainLoop

	;Battlezone style exact horizontal repositioning
	;subroutine as rediscovered by R. Mundschau and explained by Andrew Davie,
	;set A = desired horizontal position, then X to object
	;to be positioned (0->4 = P0->BALL)

	sta WSYNC                   ; 00     Sync to start of scanline.
	sec                         ; 02     Set the carry flag so no borrow will be applied during the division.
	sbc #15                     ; 04     Waste the necessary amount of time dividing X-pos by 15!
	bcs .divideby15             ; 06/07  11/16/21/26/31/36/41/46/51/56/61/66

	lda fineAdjustTable,y       ; 13 -> Consume 5 cycles by guaranteeing we cross a page boundary
	sta HMP0,x

	sta RESP0,x                 ; 21/ 26/31/36/41/46/51/56/61/66/71 - Set the rough position.
; This table converts the "remainder" of the division by 15 (-1 to -15) to the correct
; fine adjustment value. This table is on a page boundary to guarantee the processor
; will cross a page boundary and waste a cycle in order to be at the precise position
; for a RESP0,x write

            ORG $FE00

            DC.B %01110000 ; Left 7
            DC.B %01100000 ; Left 6
            DC.B %01010000 ; Left 5
            DC.B %01000000 ; Left 4
            DC.B %00110000 ; Left 3
            DC.B %00100000 ; Left 2
            DC.B %00010000 ; Left 1
            DC.B %00000000 ; No movement.
            DC.B %11110000 ; Right 1
            DC.B %11100000 ; Right 2
            DC.B %11010000 ; Right 3
            DC.B %11000000 ; Right 4
            DC.B %10110000 ; Right 5
            DC.B %10100000 ; Right 6
            DC.B %10010000 ; Right 7

fineAdjustTable EQU fineAdjustBegin - %11110001 ; NOTE: %11110001 = -15

	org $FEC0

        .byte #%11110000
        .byte #%01111100
        .byte #%00111111
        .byte #%11111101
        .byte #%10110110
        .byte #%00111110
        .byte #%00101010
        .byte #%00011100

        .byte #%11110000
        .byte #%01111100
        .byte #%00111110
        .byte #%01100101
        .byte #%10100011
        .byte #%10111110
        .byte #%00101010
        .byte #%00011100

	org $FFFC
	.word Start
	.word Start

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