Loaded 4 BearAI
An original Atari 2600 Death Match!
Now with computer opponent!
Do bears shoot in the woods? They do now! A frenetic deathmatch for one or two players... run through the leafy forest. Every time you shoot, you freeze (and lose your natural camouflage when play against a human) but you can control your shot of bearish-doom right into your opponent. First bear to 10 hits wins!
The original 2 player version was written in 48 hours for the Global Game Jame 2015 and featured the best Atari music this side of Gyruss and Pitfall II! The 2020 update adds a relentless-but-gullible computer opponent.
Now you can play Loaded 4 BearAI in your browser!
You can download the 4k Atari ROM, download a zip including source or check out the github repository.
We recommend the Stella Atari 2600 Emulator (in "TV Mode : Bad Adjust")
PROTIP: If you are overwhelmed by the in-your-face tactics of the computer-controlled bear, head for the screen borders! The CPU is relentless and has great aim but is not too smart.
Gameplay video:
Coding by Kirk Israel, Music by Oliver Getz, Art by Winnie Gong.

Original files: loaded4bear.bin (zip, src, ggj zip incl. src + libraries), and our GGJ project homepage.
You can see the final presentations for all the 2015 MIT Global Game Jam groups here - our bit is at 29:00