; VCS.H ; Version 1.03, 12/May/2003 ; ; THIS IS A PRELIMINARY RELEASE OF *THE* "STANDARD" VCS.H ; THIS FILE IS EXPLICITLY SUPPORTED AS A DASM-PREFERRED COMPANION FILE ; PLEASE DO *NOT* REDISTRIBUTE THIS FILE! ; ; This file defines hardware registers and memory mapping for the ; Atari 2600. It is distributed as a companion machine-specific support package ; for the DASM compiler. Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are ; available at at http://www.atari2600.org/dasm ; ; Many thanks to the original author(s) of this file, and to everyone who has ; contributed to understanding the Atari 2600. If you take issue with the ; contents, or naming of registers, please write to me (atari2600@taswegian.com) ; with your views. Please contribute, if you think you can improve this ; file! ; ; Latest Revisions... ; ; 1.03 12/MAY/2003 Added SEG segment at end of file to fix old-code compatibility ; which was broken by the use of segments in this file, as ; reported by Manuel Polik on [stella] 11/MAY/2003 ; 1.02 22/MAR/2003 Added TIMINT($285) ; 1.01 Constant offset added to allow use for 3F-style bankswitching ; - define TIA_BASE_ADDRESS as $40 for Tigervision carts, otherwise ; it is safe to leave it undefined, and the base address will ; be set to 0. Thanks to Eckhard Stolberg for the suggestion. ; Note, may use -DLABEL=EXPRESSION to define TIA_BASE_ADDRESS ; - register definitions are now generated through assignment ; in uninitialised segments. This allows a changeable base ; address architecture. ; 1.0 22/MAR/2003 Initial release ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TIA_BASE_ADDRESS ; The TIA_BASE_ADDRESS defines the base address of access to TIA registers. ; Normally 0, the base address should (externally, before including this file) ; be set to $40 when creating 3F-bankswitched (and other?) cartridges. ; The reason is that this bankswitching scheme treats any access to locations ; < $40 as a bankswitch. IFNCONST TIA_BASE_ADDRESS TIA_BASE_ADDRESS = 0 ENDIF ; Note: The address may be defined on the command-line using the -D switch, eg: ; dasm.exe code.asm -DTIA_BASE_ADDRESS=$40 -f3 -v5 -ocode.bin ; *OR* by declaring the label before including this file, eg: ; TIA_BASE_ADDRESS = $40 ; include "vcs.h" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG.U TIA_REGISTERS_WRITE ORG TIA_BASE_ADDRESS ; DO NOT CHANGE THE RELATIVE ORDERING OF REGISTERS! VSYNC ds 1 ; $00 0000 00x0 Vertical Sync Set-Clear VBLANK ds 1 ; $01 xx00 00x0 Vertical Blank Set-Clear WSYNC ds 1 ; $02 ---- ---- Wait for Horizontal Blank RSYNC ds 1 ; $03 ---- ---- Reset Horizontal Sync Counter NUSIZ0 ds 1 ; $04 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 0 NUSIZ1 ds 1 ; $05 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 1 COLUP0 ds 1 ; $06 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 0 COLUP1 ds 1 ; $07 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 1 COLUPF ds 1 ; $08 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Playfield COLUBK ds 1 ; $09 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Background CTRLPF ds 1 ; $0A 00xx 0xxx Control Playfield, Ball, Collisions REFP0 ds 1 ; $0B 0000 x000 Reflection Player 0 REFP1 ds 1 ; $0C 0000 x000 Reflection Player 1 PF0 ds 1 ; $0D xxxx 0000 Playfield Register Byte 0 PF1 ds 1 ; $0E xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 1 PF2 ds 1 ; $0F xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 2 RESP0 ds 1 ; $10 ---- ---- Reset Player 0 RESP1 ds 1 ; $11 ---- ---- Reset Player 1 RESM0 ds 1 ; $12 ---- ---- Reset Missle 0 RESM1 ds 1 ; $13 ---- ---- Reset Missle 1 RESBL ds 1 ; $14 ---- ---- Reset Ball AUDC0 ds 1 ; $15 0000 xxxx Audio Control 0 AUDC1 ds 1 ; $16 0000 xxxx Audio Control 1 AUDF0 ds 1 ; $17 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 0 AUDF1 ds 1 ; $18 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 1 AUDV0 ds 1 ; $19 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 0 AUDV1 ds 1 ; $1A 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 1 GRP0 ds 1 ; $1B xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 0 GRP1 ds 1 ; $1C xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 1 ENAM0 ds 1 ; $1D 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 0 ENAM1 ds 1 ; $1E 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 1 ENABL ds 1 ; $1F 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Ball HMP0 ds 1 ; $20 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 0 HMP1 ds 1 ; $21 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 1 HMM0 ds 1 ; $22 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 0 HMM1 ds 1 ; $23 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 1 HMBL ds 1 ; $24 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Ball VDELP0 ds 1 ; $25 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 0 VDELP1 ds 1 ; $26 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 1 VDELBL ds 1 ; $27 0000 000x Vertical Delay Ball RESMP0 ds 1 ; $28 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 0 to Player 0 RESMP1 ds 1 ; $29 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 1 to Player 1 HMOVE ds 1 ; $2A ---- ---- Apply Horizontal Motion HMCLR ds 1 ; $2B ---- ---- Clear Horizontal Move Registers CXCLR ds 1 ; $2C ---- ---- Clear Collision Latches ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG.U TIA_REGISTERS_READ ORG TIA_BASE_ADDRESS ; bit 7 bit 6 CXM0P ds 1 ; $00 xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-P1 M0-P0 CXM1P ds 1 ; $01 xx00 0000 M1-P0 M1-P1 CXP0FB ds 1 ; $02 xx00 0000 P0-PF P0-BL CXP1FB ds 1 ; $03 xx00 0000 P1-PF P1-BL CXM0FB ds 1 ; $04 xx00 0000 M0-PF M0-BL CXM1FB ds 1 ; $05 xx00 0000 M1-PF M1-BL CXBLPF ds 1 ; $06 x000 0000 BL-PF ----- CXPPMM ds 1 ; $07 xx00 0000 P0-P1 M0-M1 INPT0 ds 1 ; $08 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 0 INPT1 ds 1 ; $09 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 1 INPT2 ds 1 ; $0A x000 0000 Read Pot Port 2 INPT3 ds 1 ; $0B x000 0000 Read Pot Port 3 INPT4 ds 1 ; $0C x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 0 INPT5 ds 1 ; $0D x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG.U RIOT ORG $280 ; RIOT MEMORY MAP SWCHA ds 1 ; $280 Port A data register for joysticks: ; Bits 4-7 for player 1. Bits 0-3 for player 2. SWACNT ds 1 ; $281 Port A data direction register (DDR) SWCHB ds 1 ; $282 Port B data (console switches) SWBCNT ds 1 ; $283 Port B DDR INTIM ds 1 ; $284 Timer output TIMINT ds 1 ; $285 ; Unused/undefined registers ($285-$294) ds 1 ; $286 ds 1 ; $287 ds 1 ; $288 ds 1 ; $289 ds 1 ; $28A ds 1 ; $28B ds 1 ; $28C ds 1 ; $28D ds 1 ; $28E ds 1 ; $28F ds 1 ; $290 ds 1 ; $291 ds 1 ; $292 ds 1 ; $293 TIM1T ds 1 ; $294 set 1 clock interval TIM8T ds 1 ; $295 set 8 clock interval TIM64T ds 1 ; $296 set 64 clock interval T1024T ds 1 ; $297 set 1024 clock interval ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following required for back-compatibility with code which does not use ; segments. SEG ; EOF