Please click on the topic below for help:
$ operator
% operator
arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/)
asm statement
binary numbers
bits, accessing
bitwise (logical) operators (&, |, ^)
boolean operators (&&, ||, !)
collision() function
Console Switches
data statement
decimal numbers
dim statement
drawscreen command
for-next statement
gosub statement
hexadecimal numbers
if-then statements
inline assembly
let statement
negative numbers
next keyword
on ... goto statement
pfhline statement 
pfpixel statement 
pfscroll command
pfvline statement  
player graphics   
rand function
rem statement
return statement
score keyword
TIA registers

$ operator
The '$' operator is provided so that you can use hexadecimal numbers in your programs.  
You may use this nearly anywhere that you would normally place a number.  The major 
exception is when trying to access individual bits of a variable or register.

Simply place the '$' before a number to use hexadecimal.



% operator
The '%' operator is provided so that you can use binary numbers in your programs.  
You may use this nearly anywhere that you would normally place a number.

The % operator is particularly useful for accessing certain TIA registers that expect 
individual bits to be set or cleared, without needing to first convert the numbers to 
hexidecimal or decimal first.  The % operator is also useful for defining player sprites.

Simply place the '%' before a number to use hexadecimal.  Make sure that you define all 
8 bits in the byte.




The '+' operator is used for addition.  For most vaiables and registers, Batari Basic 
supports simple expressions only, and accepts any combination of registers, 
variables, unsigned values from 0-255 or signed values from -128 to 127 (see also 
"negative numbers.")

In the event that the addition causes the result to equal or exceed 256, it will be 
wrapped around at 0.  For instance, 255+1=0, 255+2=1, ... 255+255=254.

An exception is the score, which can work with values from 0 - 999999.



arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/)
Batari Basic supports simple expressions with the arithmetic operators.  For more 
information about these operators, see topics addition, subtraction, multiplication and 

Since the Atari 2600 is severly limited in RAM, arrays in Batari Basic work somewhat 
differently than other Basic languages.  There are two types of arrays, those in RAM 
and those in ROM.

Arrays in RAM
In RAM, an array does not have exclusive access to its own memory.  Instead, this 
memory is shared with other variables.  

For instance, In Batari Basic, a[0] is exactly the same as a.  a[1] is the same as b.  
a[25] is the same as z.  You are not limited to a; you may use any variable, but they 
will all map to the other variables.  For example, b[1] is the same as c, t[2] is the 
same as v.

In a sense, arrays in RAM are merely for convenience, so that one can automate certain 
operations instead of always explicitly specifying variables.

Note that the compiler will also accept values that are beyond the normal bounds, such 
as a[40].  Doing so will point to RAM that you may not want to modify, or may even 
point to TIA registers.  It is not recommended that you try to access arrays outside 
the normal variable memory space unless you know what you are doing.

Arrays in ROM
For convenience, you may specify a list of values that will essentially create a 
read-only array in ROM.  You create these lists of values as data tables using the data 

Suppose you declare a data statement as follows, with array name "mydata"

 data mydata
 200, 43, 33, 93, 255, 54, 22

To access the elements of the data table, simply index it like you would an array in 
RAM.  For example, mydata[0] is 200, mydata[1] is 43, ... and mydata[6] is 22.  The 
maximum size for a data table is 256 elements.  Note that you may access values beyond 
the table, but the values you get there probably won't be very useful.

Note again that these data tables are in ROM.  Attempting to write values to data 
tables with commands like mydata[1]=200 will compile but will perform no function.

asm statement
Use the asm statement to insert inline assembly language into your program.  You 
do not need to preserve any register values when using this feature, except the stack 
pointer. Mnemonics should be indented by at least one space, and labels should not be 

Example (clears the playfield)
 ldx #47
 lda #0
 sta playfield,x
 bne playfieldclear

You may also access any variables from assembly that are defined in Batari Basic.  For 
example, another way to express the statement a=20 is:

 lda #20
 sta a

For more information about 6502 assembly language, a good reference is

The ball is one of the objects that the Atari 2600 can display in the screen.

Alpha 0.2 does not support the ball, but support is expected by Alpha 0.3.

Although the registers that are allocated to the ball, namely ballx, bally and 
ballheight, are unused at this time, their use for general storage is not recommended 
since future versions of Batari Basic may act unexpectedly when using these registers 
for other purposes.

binary numbers
Sometimes it is convenient to express numbers as binary instead of decimal or 
hexadecimal, such as when accessing individual bits in TIA registers or defining player 
sprites.  To express numbers as binary, prepend them with a "%".  

See also: "% operator."

bits, accessing

On modern systems, one may not think twice of using an entire byte or even a word for
every flag.  For example, to determine whether a game is in progress or it is over,
often an entire byte is used even though its only value is 0 or 1. 

Since the Atari 2600 only has 128 bytes of RAM, and Batari Basic only has 26 bytes 
available for variables, it is very likely that you will need to using 
individial bits for game state information.  For example, a common flag is to determine 
whether a game is over or it is still in progress.

The bits of a byte are numbered from 0 to 7, with 0 being the least significant 
bit (LSB) or smallest.  

For example, to access the LSB in a variable or register:

if a(0)=0 then gameover

bitwise (logical) operators (&, |, ^)
Batari Basic has three operators for logical operations.  They are tokenized as:
& = AND
| = OR (Note: the "|" key is usually above the backslash: "\")
^ = XOR (exclusive OR)

These can be used to change the state of individual bits or to mask multiple bits.

a=a & $0F
a=b ^ %00110000
a=a | 1

boolean operators (&&, ||, !)
Boolean operators are used as conditions in if-then statements.  They are tokenized as:
&& = AND
|| = OR
! = NOT

The current version of Batari Basic supports at most ONE boolean operator per if-then 
statement.  The NOT (!) operator may only be used with statements that do not include a 
comparison token (such as =,<,>, or <>.)


if a<31 && a>0 then 50
if a=2 || a=4 then a=a+1
if !joy0up then 200

collision() function
This function is used for checking if two objects have collided on the screen.  Valid 
arguments are playfield, ball, player0, player1, missile0, missile1.  The two objects 
can be specified in any order.

The collision() function is only valid when used in an if-then statement.

if collision(playfield,player0) then a=a+1
if !collision(player0,missile1) then 400

console switches
Reading the console switches is done by using an if-then statement.

switchreset: true if Reset is pressed
switchbw: true if the COLOR/BW switch is set to BW, false if set to COLOR.
switchselect: true if Select is pressed
switchleftb: true if left difficulty is set to b, false if a
switchrightb: true if right difficulty is set to b, false if a

These are accessed by, for example:

if switchreset then 200

These can all be inverted by the NOT (!) token:

if !switchreset then 200

data statement
Although the data statement is similar in its method of operation as in other Basic 
languages, there are some important differences.  Most notably, access to the data does 
not need to be linear, as with the read function in other Basics.

In Batari Basic, any element of the data statement can be accessed at any time.  In 
this vein, it operates like an array.

To declare a set of data, use "data" at the end of a line, then include an identifier 
after the statement.  The actual data is included after a linefeed and can continue for 
a number of lines before being terminated by "end."

 data musictones

You access the data as an array.  See "arrays" for more information.

decimal numbers
Numbers in Batari Basic are assumed to be in decimal unless otherwise specified by either 
the $ (for hexadecimal) or the % (for binary.)

One exception is signed numbers with the negative bit set, when expressed as a 
negative.  See negative numbers for more information.

dim statement
Unlike other Basics, the dim statement is not used for arrays in Batari Basic, but 
rather for aliasing the existing variables a-z.

The dim statement is useful when you want to use a more descriptive name for your 
variables than a-z.  The statement simply maps a descriptive name to the original 26 

Although dim is typically called at the beginning of the program, it can actually be 
called at any time, and the aliasing is applicable to the entire program no matter 
where it is placed.


 dim monsterxpos=a
 dim monsterypos=b

Note that more than one alias may be mapped the the same variable.  This is useful for 
when you will inevitably need to reuse variables in multiple places.

Division in Batari Basic is limited to divides by 2.  If you try to specify a divisor 
other than 2, it will be ignored and will compile a divide by 2 anyway.  This may be 
updated in later versions to include division by any number.

drawscreen command
The drawscreen command displays the screen.  Any objects with changed colors, positions 
or height will be updated.  Internally, this command runs the display kernel.

Normally, drawscreen is called once within the normal game loop, but it can be called 
anywhere.  The drawscreen operation takes about 12 milliseconds to complete, since it 
needs to render the entire television display, one scanline at a time.  Control will be 
returned to Batari Basic once the visible portion of the screen has been rendered.

It is important to note that the drawscreen command must be run at least 60 times a
second.  Aside from rendering the visible screen, drawscreen also sends synchronization
signals to the television.  Failure to run drawscreen quicky enough will result in a 
display that shakes, jitters, or at worst, rolls.

Therefore, it is possible that your game loop will take up too much time and cause the
television to lose sync.  Note that your game loop cannot execute for around 2
milliseconds, so you should keep the number of loops and calls to playfield scrolling
routines to a minimum.  This works out to about 2,700 machine cycles, which can get 
used up pretty fast if you are doing many complicated operations.

If your screen rolls, jitters or shakes, the only solution is to simplify your 
operations or to try and spread your operations across two or more television frames by 
calling drawscreen at strategic times.  Note also that doing so may slow your game down 
if you do not also move your sprites or other objects between calls to drawscreen.

However, at the time of this writing, nobody has complained of Batari Basic using too 
many cycles.

for-next statement

For-next loops work similar to the way they work in other Basics.

The syntax is:
for variable=value1 to value2 [step value3]

variable is any variable, and value1,2,and 3 can be variables or numbers.  You may also 
specify a negative step for value3.

The "step" keyword is optional.  Omitting it will default the step to 1.

 for x=1 to 10
 for a=b to c step d
 for l=player0y to 0 step -1

One important difference, however, is with "next."  Normally, one would place a 
variable after the next keyword, but Batari Basic ignores the keyword and instead finds 
the nearest "for."  Therefore, the usual way to call "next" is without any variable.

 for x=1 to 10: a[x]=x: next

It is also important to note that the "next" doesn't care about the program flow - it 
will instead find the nearest for based on distance.

For example:

 for x=1 to 20
 goto 100
 for g=2 to 49
100 next

The "next" above WILL NOT jump back to the first for, instead it will jump to the 
nearest one, even if this statement has never been executed.  Therefore, you should be 
very careful when using next.

gosub statement
The gosub statement is often used for a subroutine that is called by multiple locations 
throughout your program.  Example:

gosub 100
gosub mysubroutine

To return control back to the main program, issue a return in your subroutine.

Note that each gosub will use two bytes of stack space, which will be recovered after a 
return.  Only 6 bytes of stack space are reserved for this, so do not use too many 
nested subroutines, especially since this may be changed in later versions.

hexadecimal numbers
Often it is handy to express hexadecimal numbers in your Basic program.  To specify 
hexidecimal, prepend the number with a $.  For more information, see ?? some other 
section that I forgot the name of ??

if-then statements
Perhaps the most important statement is the if-then statement.  These can divert 
the flow of your program based on a condition.

The basic syntax is:

if condition then action

"action" can be a statement, label or linenumber if you prefer.  If the condition is true, then 
the statement will be executed.  Specifying a linenumber or label will jump there if the condition is true.

Note that in specific cases, assembly of if-then statements with a linenumber or label as the target 
will fail.  If this happens, DASM will report a "branch out of range."  One way to fix this is to 
change the offending if-then statement to if-then goto, or you can let the compiler fix the problem for 
you by turning smart branching on.

TO do this, specify the following:

 rem smartbranching on

somewhere near the beginning of your program.  Be aware that turning smartbranching on will 
slightly obfuscate the generated assembly file, so do not use it if you plan to examine the assembly 
later to see how it works.

In Batari Basic, there are three types of if-then statements.  The first is a simple
check where the condition is a single statement.

for example:

if a then 20

will divert program flow to line 20 if a is anything except zero.

This type of if-then statement is more often used for checking the state of various 
read registers.  For example, the joysticks, console switches and hardware collisions 
are all checked this way (they can't be read any other way.)

For example:

if joy0up then x=x+1

will add 1 to x if the left joystick is pushed up.

if switchreset then 200

will jump to line 200 if the reset switch on the console is set.

if collision(player1,playfield) then t=1

will set t to 1 if player1 collides with the playfield.

A second type of statement includes a simple comparison.  Valid comparisons are =, <, 
>, and <>.  Note that there is no <= or >=, but these can be simulated...see below.


if a<2 then 50
if f=g then f=f+1
if r<>e then r=e

Why no <= or >=?  Well, they aren't needed.  For example, switching the order of the 
comparison will give you the same thing.

For example:

if a > d then 200

is exactly the same as

if d<=a then 200

It takes a little getting used to, but once you understand, it makes sense.

The third type of if-then is a complex of compound statement, that is, one containing a 
boolean && (AND) or || (OR) operator.  You are allowed one boolean per if-then.

For example:

if x<10 && x>2 then b=b-1
if !joy0up && gameover=0 then 200
if x=5 || x=6 then x=x-4

See "arrays" and "data statement"

inline assembly
see "asm keyword."

Joysticks are read by using an if-then statement.  There are four directional functions 
and one fire function per joystick:

joy0up - true if left joystick is pushed up
joy0down - true if left joystick is pushed down
joy0left - true if left joystick is pushed left
joy0right - true if left joystick is pushed right
joy0fire - true if left joystick's fire button is pushed

joy1up - true if right joystick is pushed up
joy1down - true if right joystick is pushed down
joy1left - true if right joystick is pushed left
joy1right - true if right joystick is pushed right
joy1fire - true if right joystick's fire button is pushed


if joy0up then x=x+1

These can also be inverted using the NOT (!) token, e.g.:

if !joyup then 230

See "drawscreen" for more information about the display kernel in Batari Basic.

Batari Basic supports alphanumeric labels.  You may use linenumbers if you prefer.  In 
any case, labels and linenumber are optional.  Typically you will only need them when 
you want to specify a goto or gosub target.

Labels must not be indented, and all program statements must be.  You may use labels 
with or without program statements after them.


10 pfpixel 2 3 on
20 drawscreen
 player0x=player0x+1:goto mylocation 
 player0y=29:goto mylocation2
mylocation2 x=x-1

let statement
The let statement is optional, and is used for variable assignment.  It was left in 
because an early unreleased version of Batari Basic required it.  If you wish to use 
it, it will not affect program length - it will simply be ignored by the compiler.

let x=x+1

linenumbers are optional.  Some old-school programmers like them, or at least use them 
as a matter of comfort since they were necessary in early Basics.  Batari Basic does 
not require linenumbers at all, instead you can use alphanumeric labels in their place.

A common form of a loop is a for-next loop, but a loop in general is any program that 
repeats.  In this sense, all Batari Basic programs must be loops, in that the programs 
never exit.

In Batari Basic, you should limit your use of loops that do not include the drawscreen 
function somewhere.  Too many loops take time which is somewhat limited.  See 
"drawscreen" for more information.

In Batari Basic, you are currently limited to about 3k of program space in a 4k ROM.  
1k of this is used for the display kernel and other support routines.

The Atari 2600 also only has 128 bytes of RAM.  Of this RAM, 26 bytes are available for 
general use in your programs, as variables a-z.

Batari Basic can display two missiles on the screen.  These are simply vertical lines 
of a height you specify, and at coordinates you specify.  The missiles are the same 
color as their respective players.

To access missiles, you can set missile0x, missile0y, and missile0height for missile 0, 
and missile1x, missile1y, and missile1height for missile 1.

There are more things you can do with missiles by modifying the TIA registers.  See 
"TIA registers" for more information.

Multiplication in Batari Basic is limited to divides by 2.  If you try to
specify a multiplicand other than 2, it will be ignored and will compile a multiplication 
by 2 anyway.  This may be updated in later versions to include multiplication by any 

negative numbers
Negative numbers are somewhat supported by Batari Basic.  Although variable values can 
contain 0-255, the numbers will wrap if 255 is exceeded.  Therefore, one can think of 
numbers from 128-255 as being functionally equal to -128 to -1.  This is called "two's 
compliment" form because the high bit is set from 128-255, so this high bit can also be 
called the "sign."

In other words, adding 255 to a variable has exactly the same effect as subtracting 1.

next keyword
the next keyword will find the nearest "for" and jump back there.  Note that if any 
variable is specified after a next, it will be ignored.

It is also important to note that the "next" doesn't care about the program flow - it 
will instead find the nearest for based on distance.

For example:

 for x=1 to 20
 goto 100
 for g=2 to 49
100 next

The "next" above WILL NOT jump back to the first for, instead it will jump to the 
nearest one, even if this statement has never been executed.  Therefore, you should be 
very careful when using next.

on ... goto statement
on ... goto statement
This works similar to a case statement in other languages.  It is useful for replacing 
multiple if-then statements when conditions happen in an ordinal fashion.

FOr example:

on x goto 100 200 300 400

is the same as:
if x=0 then 100
if x=1 then 200
if x=2 then 300
if x=3 then 400

You may specify up to 127 targets on an on...goto.

Also, note that there is no checking to see if x exceeds the number of targets.  The 
targets are stored in a table, so the above example, if x=4, the target will be read 
from memory beyond the end of the table and you program will jump to an unknown place 
and probably crash.

pfhline statement 
This draws a horizontal line with playfield blocks.
The syntax is:
pfhline xpos ypos endxpos function

xpos can be 0-31, ypos can be 0-11 (11 is hidden off of the screen and only seen if 

endxpos should be greater than xpos or the command will not work properly, and strange 
things may happen.

function is any of on, off, or flip.  on turns the block on, off turns it off, and flip 
turns it off if it was on or on if it was off.

Note that there is no checking if the bounds of the function are exceeded.  If you do 
so, strange things may happen, including crashing your program.

pfpixel statement 
This draws a single pixel with playfield blocks.
The syntax is:
pfpixel xpos ypos function

xpos can be 0-31, ypos can be 0-11 (11 is hidden off of the screen and only seen if 

function is any of on, off, or flip.  on turns the block on, off turns it off, and flip 
turns it off if it was on or on if it was off.

Note that there is no checking if the bounds of the function are exceeded.  If you do 
so, strange things may happen, including crashing your program.

pfscroll command
This command scrolls the playfield.  It is useful for a moving background or other 

valid values are:

pfscroll left
pfscroll right
pfscroll up
pfscroll down

Using pfscroll left or right will use quite a few processor cycles every frame, so use 
it sparingly.  using pfscroll up or down uses lots of processor cycles only every 8th 
time it is called.

When using pfscroll up or down, the hidden blocks at y position 11 are useful.  
Although these blocks are never seen, they are "scrolled in" to the visible screen by 
the commands.  This invisible area can therefore be used to simulate a changing 
background, instead of showing the same background over and over again.

Note that if you are not using pfscroll in your program, you can use these hidden 4 blocks 
as general variable storage.  Be careful you don't overwrite them with wayward 
playfield commands!

To use these extra bytes, one way is with DIM:

dim var1=playfield+44
dim var2=playfield+45
dim var3=playfield+46
dim var4=playfield+47

Again, if you choose to do the above, be careful!
pfvline statement  
This draws a vertical line with playfield blocks.
The syntax is:
pfhline xpos ypos endypos function

xpos can be 0-31, ypos can be 0-11 (11 is hidden off of the screen and only seen if 

endypos should be greater than ypos or the command will not work properly, and strange 
things may happen.

function is any of on, off, or flip.  on turns the block on, off turns it off, and flip 
turns it off if it was on or on if it was off.

Note that there is no checking if the bounds of the function are exceeded.  If you do 
so, strange things may happen, including crashing your program.

player graphics   
The Atari 2600 can display two player sprites, which are 8 pixels wide and any height.  
In Batari Basic, you access these sprites by using various reserved values and 
commands.  To define a sprite, you use player0: and player1:

For example:


This will define a player0 sprite which is 3 blocks in height.

To display the objects, you must first set the colors with COLUP0 and COLUP1.  They are 
black by default, which will not display against a black background.

To set the coordinates, you set player0x, player0y, player1x, or player1y.  On the 
screen, player0x and player1x values between 0 and around 164 are useful.  You can specify 
numbers larger than 164 but you may see some jumping at the edges of the screen.  
values of player0y and player1y between 0 and about 88 are useful. Others will simply 
cause the player to move off of the screen.

playfieldIn Batari Basic, you get a 32x12 bitmapped, asymmetric
playfield.  This takes the full vertical length of the screen, except for the area reserved for the score,
but takes only the center 80% of the screen due to timing constraints.  You may use the left or right 10% of
the screen, but you can only draw vertical lines there, and they take the full length of the screen.  For
example, you can put a vertical border around the drawable portion of the playfield by PF0=128. 

Please see pfpixel, pfvline, pfhline, and pfscroll for more information about drawing 
to the playfield.

rand function
The rand function returns a random number between 1 and 255 every time it is called.  
You typically call this function by something line this:


However, you can also use it in an if-then statement:

if rand<32 then r=r+1

You can also assign the value of rand to something else, at least until it is accessed
again.  The only reason you would ever want to do this is to seed the randomizer.  If
you do this, pay careful attention to the value you store there, since storing a zero in
rand will "break" it such that all subsequent reads will also be zero! 

rem statement
The rem statement is used for in-program comments.  These comments are very helpful not 
only to other programmers trying to make sense of your code, but to yourself if your 
memory is anything like mine :)

Note that, unlike old interpreted Basics, you can use rem as much as you want and it will 
not affect the length of your compiled program.

return statement
The return statement is used in a subroutine to return to the part of the program 
right after a gosub which called the subroutine.

Be careful when using return, as if a running program encounters one without a gosub 
that called it, the program will crash or strange things may happen.

score keyword
The score keyword is used to change the score.  The score is fixed at 6 digits, and it 
currently resides permanently at the bottom of the screen.  Unlike other variables, 
Batari Basic accepts values from 0-999999 when dealing with the score.

Before the score will appear, you should set its color.  Use scorecolor = value, where value is 0 to 255.

To change the score, some examples of valid operations are:


Be careful when using the last one.  It will compile, but upon execution, "a" must always 
be a BCD compliant number.  If a non-BCD number is in "a," part of your score may end up 

What is a BCD number?  BCD stands for Binary-coded decimal.  In essence, it is a 
hexadecimal number represented as a decimal number.

For instance, $99 is the BCD number for decimal 99.  $23 is the BCD number for decimal 
23.  There is no BCD number for $3E, for instance, since it contains a non-decimal 
value (the E.)  For example, if "a" contained $3E, your score could end up garbled.

There is no abtraction for sound in Batari Basic.  However, you can make sounds by 
accessing the TIA registers directly.  Don't panic, the TIA registers for sound are 
quite friendly, at least as far as that damn TIA goes.

The following TIA regs are useful for sound:

AUDV0 : channel 0 volume: valid values 0-15
AUDC0 : channel 0 channel: valid values 0-15 
AUDF0 : channel 0 frequency: valid values 0-31
AUDV1 : channel 1 volume: valid values 0-15
AUDC1 : channel 1 channel: valid values 0-15 
AUDF1 : channel 1 frequency: valid values 0-31

setting the values, for instance, by AUDV0=10:AUDC0=12:AUDF0=4 will produce a tone, and 
it will stay on until you set AUDV0=0.  typically, a frame counter is set up that keeps 
sounds on for a specified number of frames (which occur 60 times a second.)

See player graphics.

The '-' operator is used for subtraction.  For most vaiables and registers, Batari Basic 
supports simple expressions only, and accepts any combination of registers, 
variables, unsigned values from 0-255 or signed values from -128 to 127 (see also 
"negative numbers.")

In the event that the subtraction causes the result to be less than 0, it 
will be wrapped around to 255.  For instance, 0-1=255, 1-2=255, ... 0-255=1.

An exception is the score, which can work with values from 0 - 999999.



TIA registers
There are a few TIA registers that may be useful in Batari Basic.  This is not a 
complete list.  I'm only mentioning the registers and functions therein that you will most 
likely find useful.

Registers: NUSIZ0, NUSIZ1
Function: changes the size and/or other properties of player0/1 and missile0/1.
Value:         		  	effect:
$0x (x means don't care)	missile = 1 pixel wide		
$1x				missile = 2 pixels wide
$1x				missile = 4 pixels wide
$1x				missile = 8 pixels wide
$x0				one copy of player
$x1				two close copies of player
$x2				two medium copies of player
$x3				three close copies of player
$x4				two wide copies of player
$x5				double-sized player
$x6				three meduim copies of player
$x7				quad-sized player

Note that missile and player properties may be combined in a single write.

Example: NUSIZ0=$13 will make missile0 8 wide, plus make three close copies of player0.

Register: CTRLPF
Function: Changes properties of the playfield and/or ball
Value:				effect:
$0x (x means don't care)	ball = 1 pixel wide		
$1x				ball = 2 pixels wide
$1x				ball = 4 pixels wide
$1x				ball = 8 pixels wide

$x1 				None of the below
$x3				left half of playfield gets color of player0, and
				right half gets color of player1
$x5				players move behind playfield
$x7				Both of the above

Note that ball and playfield properties may be combined in a single write.

Registers: REFP0, REFP1
Function: reflects player sprites
0				Do not reflect
8				Reflect

This is useful for asymmetic sprites so that they can give the appearance of changing 
direction without needing to redefine their graphics.

Register: PF0
Function: Set or clear the left and right 10% of the playfield
128-255				Set vertical lines covering entire height of playfield

PF0 is useful for creating a border in Batari Basic.  In other kernels or in assembly, 
it has other uses.

Registers: AUDC0, AUDC1, AUDF0, AUDF1, AUDV0, AUDV1
Function: Sound
See "sound" for more information about these.

Timing is crucial in Batari Basic, in that you only have about 2 milliseconds between 
successive calls to drawscreen.  See drawscreen for more information.

In Batari Basic, you have 26 general purpose variables, fixed as a-z.  Although they 
are fixed, you can use the dim command to map an alias to any of these variables.

26 variables in not a lot, so you will use them up quickly.  Therefore, it's 
recommended that you use the bit operations to access single bits when using variables 
for flags or game state information wherever possible.

If you do run out of variables, you can use four bytes from the playfield if you're not 
scrolling it.  You can also use temp1-temp6 as temporary storage, but these are 
obliterated when drawscreen is run, and some are used for playfield operations as well, 
so use these at your own risk.

Although there might be unused bytes in the stack space, it is not recommended that you 
use these in your program since later versions of Batari Basic will probably use these 
for something else.

Batari Basic Alpha 0.1 was very picky about whitespace.  These problems are pretty much 
nonexistent in Alpha 0.2.  As long as you don't try anything totally goofy, chances are 
your code will be parsed correctly by the compiler.  If you can read it easily, it's likely
that the compiler can too.

For example, suppose you want to do "for l = 1 to 10 : t = t + 4 : next"

in Alpha 0.2, the following would be parsed correctly:
for l=1 to 10:t=t+4:next
for            l            =1                  to 10:t=t    +4: next
for l=1  to 10 : t= t+4 :next

the following would not:
forl=1 to 10:t=t+4:next
for l=1 to10 :t=t+4:next

In other words, any keywords or commands must be spaced properly or Batari Basic will
think they are variables and compilation will fail, but anything else is fair game.  As
long as there is a recognizable separator, such as +,-,=,:,*,/,&,&&,|,||,^ and possibly
others, you can space however you want (or not at all.)